Michael Lewis

13 προϊόντα
  1. Flash Boys
  2. The Big Short, Inside the Doomsday Machine
  3. The Undoing Project, A Friendship that Changed the World
  4. Moneyball
  5. Flash Boys, Το ανεξέλεγκτο παιχνίδι του χρήματος
  6. The Fifth Risk
  7. Big Short, Inside the Doomsday Machine
  8. The Premonition, A Pandemic Story
  9. Beatles Songs A Passionate, A Passionate Fan's Guide
  10. Panic!, The Story of Modern Financial Insanity
  11. The Money Culture
  12. The Premonition, A Pandemic Story
  13. Moneyball, The Art of Winning An Unfair Game (Hardcover)