Tips for better photos with your mobile phone

Tips for better photos with your mobile phone

1. Get to know your mobile phone well!

Do you really know all the settings of your mobile phone's camera? I bet you don't! Find some time during the day and dedicate it to exploring the settings and capabilities of your camera.
 There are certainly differences between Android and IOS, but you can easily do your job with both operating systems.

Tips for better photos with your mobile phone

2. Keep your lens clean

We've all been there!

How many times have you heard "Why is the photo blurry??"
Since we constantly carry our phones with us, it's natural for the lens to get dirty and collect dust. Clean the lens with a dry cloth and you'll be fine.

Tips for better photos with your mobile phone

3. Take INFINITE photos!

It's so easy to take as many photos as you want now. Try taking multiple photos from different angles and distances until you find the one you like.

Tips for better photos with your mobile phone

4. Zoom? I would say it's better not to use it…

With digital zoom, the quality of the photo decreases and the result is definitely not 100% what you want. You can get closer to what you want to photograph in order to maintain the quality of the photo at a high level.

Tips for better photos with your mobile phone

5. Selfie camera? Hmmmm... I prefer the back camera.

The selfie camera usually has much fewer megapixels, so it lacks quite a bit in quality compared to the back camera. I would suggest avoiding the use of the front camera, and if you want to take a good selfie, just ask a friend to take a photo of you with the back camera from a close distance.

Tips for better photos with your mobile phone

6. Invest in a Gimbal

Apart from photos, you will also take videos, and you want the best shot, for sure! The gimbal will give you the stability you need, for horizontal or vertical movement, even for forward and backward movement.

Tips for better photos with your mobile phone

See below the best offers:

  • DJI Osmo Mobile 6 Phone Gimbal with 3 Axis Stabilization and 6 Operating Hours Black

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  • Spigen S610W Phone Gimbal with 3 Axis Stabilization Black

    Spigen S610W Phone Gimbal with 3 Axis Stabilization Black

    from 58,60 €
  • Zhiyun Smooth Q4 Combo Phone Gimbal with 3 Axis Stabilization and 15 Operating Hours White

    Zhiyun Smooth Q4 Combo Phone Gimbal with 3 Axis Stabilization and 15 Operating Hours White

    from 130,00 €
  • Q-YTF6 Phone Gimbal with 3 Axis Stabilization and 2 Operating Hours Gray

    Q-YTF6 Phone Gimbal with 3 Axis Stabilization and 2 Operating Hours Gray

    from 66,80 €

7. Adjust the brightness and focus on your subject:

Yes, it's my favorite tip for photos... to see where the sunlight is and adjust the frame of your photo to have natural light! The rule says that if you want faces and objects to appear in your photos then you should have the sun in front of you, but if you want it to look more artistic and only the figure to appear then you should have the sun behind you. Among these clicks, you can also adjust the lighting on the camera to create deep lighting or a brighter result.

When you touch the screen at any point, you change the focus of the shot and automatically the exposure level (brightness of the image) will also change, focus on different points by choosing what suits you (applies to all mobile brands).

By tapping on the point you want to focus on, a sun ☀️ appears, moving it up or down adjusts the "brightness" of the photo.

Tips for better photos with your mobile phone

8. Activate HDR mode

This way the camera takes consecutive shots with different brightness and combines them into one, capturing more details.
Taking an HDR photo usually takes a few seconds longer, so it's good to keep the phone steady or use a tripod. Also, avoid using the mode on moving objects and in conditions of high lighting.

9. Experiment with lighting

  • Place the light behind the subject of the photo capturing the outline without showing its features, silhouette effect.
  • Try placing the subject close to the light source and see the difference, the details will be better captured whether you are photographing a person, food, or a landscape.

(In low light conditions, as advanced as mobile phones may be, they do not take the best photos.)

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