Heating Without Electricity: 4+1 Top Suggestions for Heating with Combustion

Heating Without Electricity: 4+1 Top Suggestions for Heating with Combustion

Below you will find the 4+1 effective heating methods using devices that use combustible materials, without requiring central oil or gas installations. 

What you need to consider when making such a purchase:

  • They do not consume electricity
  • They provide efficient heating
  • They are considered more economical options
  • Usually, however, they have a high cost of purchase and installation
  • Heating devices have a larger volume - Additional space is required for the fuel (e.g. wood)

But let's see our options

Wood stove

Price range: 150€ - 4,400€

Heating Without Electricity: 4+1 Top Suggestions for Heating with Combustion

Back to the old days. As you can tell from its name, the wood stove uses wood as fuel, perhaps the oldest heating method!

Why choose it?

  • It has lower fuel consumption costs*, compared to heating systems that use oil or natural gas.
  • It uses biomass (wood) as fuel, a renewable energy source.
  • It provides independence from electricity. Even during a power outage, the house can still have warmth and a stove for cooking.

* According to energy price forecasts for winter 2023/24.


  • The cost of pipes, depending on their length and material, is high.
  • It is an open fire and therefore requires great caution.

Which type is right for you?

There are 3 types of wood stoves:

Find the right size of wood stove

Depending on the square footage you want to cover, you can choose a wood stove with the corresponding kW.

Size Power
40 < 8kw
41 - 60 9 - 12kw
61 - 80 13 - 16kw
81 - 100 17 - 20kw
101 - 120 21 - 25kw
121 > 26kw

Tip: If there are significant heat losses (e.g. high-ceiling house, old frames), you should increase the kW.

Size matters! Why? If it is too small, there will not be sufficient heating of the space. If it is too large and you use a smaller amount of wood, proportionate to its size, pitch will be created.

Gas Heater

Price range: 40€ - 690€

Heating Without Electricity: 4+1 Top Suggestions for Heating with Combustion

The easy choice!

All you have to do is get a gas cylinder, place it at the back of the heater, and activate it by pressing the button!

Why choose it?

  • It has complete autonomy from electricity and is relatively economical in its consumption.
  • It has a control for each performance level, so you can choose the heat you need each time. + If you choose a heater with wheels, you can move it from one room to another.


  • Attention and monitoring are required when connecting the cylinder for any gas leakage - The space must be well ventilated so that the smell of gas is not noticeable/annoying (especially when you turn it on or the cylinder runs out).

Does it fit your space?

A gas heater is suitable, mainly for small, well-ventilated spaces, without air currents affecting its flame.

How fast do you want it?

For faster heat performance in the space, choose a ceramic gas heater.

Take care of the atmosphere of the space

Choose a gas heater with a special safety system to analyze the atmosphere, so that when the carbon dioxide level reaches 1.5%, it shuts off automatically.

Watch out for falling!

Because safety is always the number one priority, choose a heater with a fall sensor.

Attention! Do not place the heater on carpets, and make sure it is at least 1 meter away from wooden furniture and curtains.

Oil & Kerosene Heaters

Price range: 65 - 700€

Heating Without Electricity: 4+1 Top Suggestions for Heating with Combustion

The main difference

The oil stoves & kerosene stoves (lamp oil) have one main difference between them: the fuel. The first one uses oil as a combustible material, while the other one uses kerosene.

Why choose them?

  • They are an economical heating option with low purchase cost and zero installation cost + No need for electricity to operate them
  • They have low maintenance cost.
  • They provide immediate and efficient heating.
  • With their special handle, you can move them from room to room.


  • They are suitable for local heating and not for large unified spaces or the whole house.
  • They have a strong odor emitted from the burning of oil/kerosene, so frequent ventilation of the space is necessary.
  • All necessary safety measures should be taken during use.

Pay attention!

Proper storage of kerosene or oil is required, as well as of the stove itself during periods of non-use.


To minimize the smell, you can light it outside, leave it for 10 minutes, and then place it in the room you want to heat.

The same applies when you want to extinguish it, take it out to the balcony/outdoor area, and gradually extinguish it.

If you choose an oil stove, you can also consider an air heater with a fan for faster distribution of warm air in the room.

Energy Fireplace

Price range: 200-9,400

Heating Without Electricity: 4+1 Top Suggestions for Heating with Combustion

What is the main difference from the classic fireplace? 

Very simply, it makes better use of firewood!

Why choose it? 

  • The efficiency of the wood in the energy fireplace reaches 75%, which means that it can heat the space much more effectively with much less firewood.

  • It is an economical heating solution 


  • Installation and an existing fireplace are required 

How does it differ from a wood stove?

The very basic difference is that for the installation of an energy fireplace, you need to already have a fireplace. 

Do you want to learn more about all types of fireplaces? Read the detailed buying guide for fireplaces

Pellet stoves

Price range: 900-4,200 

Heating Without Electricity: 4+1 Top Suggestions for Heating with Combustion

With fuel or electricity?

These stoves use pellets, which are a compressed biomass, a renewable fuel, which is burned and produces heat.

Why choose a pellet stove?

  • It is environmentally friendly.
  • It is an economical alternative to oil heating, with lower consumption costs than oil and natural gas.


  • It requires electricity to operate. There are also models with a battery that could continue to function in case of a power outage.

  • It takes up space.

Does it suit your space needs?

Its use is usually recommended in houses located outside the city/urban area, in order to have sufficient storage space inside the house, where the pellets need to be stored (combustible material).

How does it work?

Externally, it looks like traditional stoves, but internally, it is quite different: it has a reservoir for the combustible material, and both the supply and circulation of air are mechanical and do not require manual feeding, as in wood stoves. Additionally, pellet stoves are 4-5 times more efficient than wood stoves.

Do you know how to use it? We know which stove suits you best!

  • If you want complete independence from electricity and don't have a fireplace, your options are: wood stove, oil-kerosene stove, and gas stove.
  • If you have a fireplace and want to make it more efficient, choose an energy-efficient fireplace.
  • If you want a stove that doesn't use electricity but doesn't smell as much, choose a wood stove.
  • If you don't have a problem with electricity and want it to be environmentally friendly, choose a pellet stove.
  • If you want something for outdoor space, choose a gas stove.

If you want to learn about the best ways to heat with electricity, we have also written about it here.

From us, wishes for a warm winter!

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