• Andowl Endoscope Camera 2560x1920 pixels for Mobile with 3.5m Cable

    1 out of 1 members found this review helpful
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    Very good camera, it does exactly what it says and with very nice image quality.

  • It works just fine.

  • Having closed a few weeks with this screen, I can now comment on it.
    It should be noted that I chose to change the screen because the factory one was unacceptable (black and white 5").
    Although at first I was very skeptical since this particular screen has only 2GB RAM and only 16GB ROM, so far everything runs smoothly without any significant lag.
    Initially, the truth is that I was negatively surprised because when I turned it on for the first time without installing anything, the screen had only 2.76GB free out of the total 16GB!!! The problem was easily solved as the screen has 2 (!!!) slots for a micro SD card! I inserted a 32GB one and chose to use it as internal storage (there is an option when you insert it) and transferred the data there. Now I have 48GB ROM! Later on, I realized that the memory is initially full as they have installed the iGO GPS (with free maps, please!) and it occupies about 8.5GB.
    My initial negative surprise was followed by a second negative surprise as there were various issues (1. There were connection problems with Bluetooth and even though I pressed connect, the phone did not appear connected and I had to exit the Bluetooth application and re-enter, 2. Incoming calls did not go through the car and the conversation was not heard through the car speakers while the application was freezing, 3. The Wi-Fi, GPS, etc. icons on the scrolling bar did not change status when I turned them on/off, 4. I couldn't change the wallpaper, etc.) so, speaking with the installer, he told me to go there for an update.
    Finally, by closing the screen (not standby but completely closing it) and reopening it, the problem was solved and nothing further was needed.
    In the end, everything works normally without any problems.

    +Incredibly fast startup! It is preset to go into standby mode when you turn off the key, so it opens directly afterwards. In the settings, you can set it to completely shut down after a while for battery saving (?).
    +Large screen with good resolution.
    +Very good sound with nice bass.
    +2 slots for micro SD cards! This way, you can expand the ROM memory (I don't know why the manufacturer doesn't mention it).
    +The illuminated buttons can be changed in color (I don't know why the manufacturer doesn't mention it).
    +It has the iGO GPS installed with free maps so you don't need constant internet for Google Maps.
    +When you turn on the car lights, the screen switches to a dark theme to avoid bothering you.
    +The factory USB of the car works properly. (At first, it didn't work but after a second visit to the installer, we fixed it). Additionally, there is another one with a cable in the glove compartment.

    -Coming from good mobile phones, I might have wanted the screen to be a bit faster. But for the use you put it to, it doesn't bother at all.
    -You cannot modify the 4 tiles on the main screen. Additionally, while the first, second, and fourth tiles give you live information about the time, the playing MP3 song, and the radio station respectively, the third tile for the GPS shows nothing and is simply there for you to tap and enter the GPS (which can also be done with one of the side buttons on the screen, so the tile is useless). Just for information, on Google Maps, if you exit, it shows you a mini map and directions in a window on the screen and you can take it wherever you want (just like on mobile phones). iGO doesn't do that and simply runs in the background.

    In conclusion, I am very satisfied, the screen is excellent, it has all the functions of the factory screen (controls, speakers, etc.) and many more, and it doesn't seem like it has been added afterwards as it integrates perfectly and looks like it came from the factory, which was exactly what I wanted!

    • Sound quality
    • Menu
    • Large number of functions and settings
    • Value for money
    • Intensity
  • Membranes for Car Door 9cm x 8cm 4pcs Transparent

    3 out of 4 members found this review helpful
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    I wonder if anyone managed to stick them without any scratches. There is no chance. Because the stickers are very thin, when you try to stick them, due to the curvature of the handle, they get scratched and stick with "cracks", so they look terrible. No matter how many I tried, it is practically impossible to stick them well. Of course, I threw away the rest. Oh, and the instructions are in Chinese! Thank goodness for Google Lens that translated it for me.

  • Nice sound, you just need to turn up the rear speakers to get it right compared to the front ones in my opinion. Connect it to the TV with HDMI and optical (the cables are very cheap for both) to see the menu, etc. from the home cinema on the TV and also to hear the TV on the home cinema. It synchronizes automatically and turns on/off when you turn on the TV, and the volume can also be adjusted using only your TV remote! The rear speakers are wireless (connected to a box that you plug into the socket), so you avoid cables from the front to the back, which is also the most difficult part to cover. A very good choice and easy to use!

  • Πανέμορφο έπιπλο σε απίστευτη τιμή! Απορώ για την αρνητική κριτική πραγματικά. Η ποιότητα του ξύλου πολύ ικανοποιητική (χωρίς να είμαι ειδικός βεβαια) και το τελικο αποτέλεσμα υπέροχο.
    Στα αρνητικά η μεγάλη δυσκολια στη συναρμολόγηση. Παρόλο που δεν ήμουν εντελώς άπειρος μου πήρε 5 ώρες τη μία μέρα και άλλες 4 ώρες την επόμενη με βοήθεια και απο τη γυναίκα. Με μικρές διορθωσούλες στο τέλος το αποτέλεσμα μας δικαίωσε για την επιλογή μας.
    Μερικά tips:
    1. Χρειάζεται να προμηθευτείς απο την αρχή τρυπάνι (απαιτούνται καμιά 10ρια τρύπες σε σημεία που σου υποδεικνύουν οι οδηγίες παντα) καθώς χωρίς αυτό δε μπορεί να γίνει τίποτα.
    2. Χρειάζεται ξυλόκολλα για τα συρτάρια (δεν συμπεριλαμβάνεται) οπότε φροντιστε να αγοράσετε μια καλη (κοστίζει 3-4 €).
    3. Ακολουθώντας τις οδηγίες κατά γράμμα τα δύο δεξιά συρτάρια μπαίνουν πιο μέσα από το φυσιολογικό. Μεταφέροντας τους οδηγούς των συρταριών μία τρύπα πιο έξω το προβλημα λυνεται.

    Αξίζει πραγματικά τα λεφτά του.

  • Απίστευτη ευκαιρία το πήρα στα 399 ευρώ και είναι πολύ καλό λάπτοπ με πολύ καλό επεξεργαστή, ξεχωριστή κάρτα γραφικών για να παίζει και παιχνίδια, ωραίο ήχο και δεν ανεβάζει ποτέ θερμοκρασία! Ακόμα και το καλοκαίρι ο ανεμιστήρας λειτουργεί ελάχιστα και βγάζει κρύο αέρα (με νορμάλ χρήση) πράγμα το οποίο μου έκανε εντύπωση. Το έχω 1μιση χρόνο και δεν έχει βγάλει τίποτα. Πραγματικά αξίζει, όποιος το πήρε είναι τυχερός.
    Ο επεξεργαστής του είναι Intel και όχι AMD όπως λέει ο φίλος πιο πριν...