Sugar-free Super Chocolate Drink

Sugar-free Super Chocolate Drink

I love chocolate, but I don't want to eat sugar every day..

Furthermore, there are days when I feel tired and in need of a hot drink to give me the necessary energy…

After many trials, I ended up with a super chocolatey drink, super nutritious, energizing, healthy, full of protein and good calories. 

Without sugar or animal products, with a rich chocolate flavor that both kids and adults will love.

It is suitable for vegetarians or vegans (just replace honey with agave syrup).

Ideal for fasting periods, dieting, but also after exercising. In these cases, you can enhance the flavor and energy by adding a scoop of chocolate flavored plant protein.

My Ingredients

How to make the super chocolatey drink

  • First, prepare the oat flour. In a blender or grinder, put the oat flakes and grind them until they become powder.
  • Then, put two tablespoons of oat flour and a teaspoon of chia seeds in a jar with a lid. Pour some almond milk and let it soak in the refrigerator overnight. This way, the oat will become more digestible and will eliminate a large part of the phytic acid it contains, just like legumes.
  • The next morning, heat the almond milk, along with the soaked oat.
  • Pour all the ingredients into the blender and mix until it becomes a smooth mixture.
  • Serve in a tall glass and enjoy... I'm so impatient that I drink it straight from the pitcher with a straw!

How much chocolate can you handle every day? If you're a chocoholic like me, the right answer is "endless"!

This super chocolatey drink is perfect for you...

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